West Dakota Ag Blog

Corn and Soybean Stand Assessment

Corn and soybean stands should be assessed early in the season to help identify potential crop concerns.After seedlings emerge, stand counts and visual inspection of the plants can help identify issues caused by planting, insects, and/or diseases. Three common methods for taking stand counts are the 1/1000th acre method, the wheel method, and the hoop… Read More

Frost and Cold Temperature Damage to Small Corn

Corn growth stage, air temperature, soil moisture, soil texture, and topography can influence potential cold injury to corn plants.Frost with temperatures above 28o F may damage seedling leaf tissue without necessarily injuring the growing point. Temperatures below 28o F may injure or kill the seedling growing point even if the growing point is below the… Read More

Early Season Insects of Corn

Early season corn insects feed on seeds and seedlings, which may result in plant injury, stunting, delayed emergence, or stand loss Scouting is necessary to determine the types of insects present and their population densities in order to make informed management decisions. Sampling methods vary based on insect species and include scouting, soil sampling, and… Read More

Determining Down Force to Set the Planter

Placing seeds at a required depth consistently, seed by seed, and row by row, requires proper down force management during planting.Excessive down force can cause compaction zones and lower actual seeding depth.If too little down force is applied, planting depth can be shallow and seed-to-soil contact may not be adequate.For the most consistent and dependable… Read More

Corn Growth Stages

Corn Growth Stages

A certain number of growing degree units (GDUs) are required by a corn plant to reach maturity, regardless of the number of calendar days it takes to accumulate. Knowing the relationship between GDU accumulation and corn development, and the estimated number of days to reach a certain growth stage, can help predict when important growth… Read More

Frost and Cold Temperature Damage to Small Corn

Frost and Cold Temperature Damage to Small Corn

The best advice in this piece is to exhibit patience. Let the sun work some magic, scout fields and give the crop a little time. I have seen very little emerged corn and what is emerged is small. Corn growth stage, air temperature, soil moisture, soil texture, and topography can influence potential cold injury to… Read More

Corn seed size, plantability, germination, and yield potential

Genetic yield potential is not affected by corn seed size.Adjustments to planter equipment can help achieve desired plant stands by minimizing doubles or skips. Corn seed performance can be optimized by focusing on genetic yield potential, increasing populations, and identifying planter settings that can help deliver seed more accurately. Seed Size and Yield Potential Since… Read More

How to select Soybean products

How to select Soybean products

For most growers, the main goal when selecting a soybean product is to maximize profit potential. When selecting a soybean product, growers look to maximize yield potential and minimize production risks. The maximum yield potential of a soybean product is genetically determined and can only be achieved under ideal environmental and management conditions Planting products… Read More

Maximizing Yield Potential of Soybeans

Maximizing Yield Potential of Soybeans

Selection of high-yielding soybean products may have the greatest effect on yield potential above all other management decisions. Proper and timely insect, disease, and weed management can improve yield potential. Planting considerations including earlier planting, higher plant populations, and narrower row spacing lead to quicker canopy closure, which can increase yield. Trait Selection Because yield… Read More

Should you be Diversifying into corn?
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